Complete solutions
for the management of your truck fleet

Icone Acceo

Who we

ACCEO Transport offers a complete set of management solutions for the trucking industry in Canada.

Unicom is a high-performance ERP to optimize all your company’s operations.

All our solutions, Fuel Tax System, Simple Ace, Unicom Mobile are tailored to the specific needs of the transportation industry.

We also offer turnkey permitting, reporting and compliance services throughout North America.

Our solutions and services are perfectly adapted to your company’s needs, whatever the type or size of your truck fleet.

Icone Acceo

Our solutions

Complete ERP for transport company

Suitable for all types and sizes of trucking fleet;

Complete management for your company's operations;

25 years of unrivalled customer service.

Icone plus

Mobile and interactive messaging

Interactive messaging;

Quick and easy access to your pick-ups and deliveries;

Get your order status in real time.

Icone plus

Easy IFTA reporting

Simplifies the production of your IFTA reports;

Automated reports, according to the jurisdiction, compiling distances traveled and fuel purchases;

Web-based: accessible from anywhere, in real time.

Icone plus

ACE and ACI eManifests

Create and transmit your ACE or ACI manifests quickly and easily;

Real-time satellite transmission;

24/7 technical support.

Icone plus

Simplified online dispatch

Create and transmit your ACE or ACI manifests quickly and easily;

Real-time satellite transmission;

24/7 technical support.

Icone plus

Our services

ACCEO Transport offers you a range of turnkey services that allow you to stay focused on the road while we take care of everything, from license renewals to managing your fuel taxes.

Offices located in Ontario
Based in Toronto, our team handles your requests for all types of road transport permits in North America, ensuring rigorous follow-up every step of the way.

Icone plus

Offices located in Quebec
Based in Drummondville, our team handles your requests for all types of road transport permits in North America, ensuring rigorous follow-up every step of the way.

Icone plus

Want to learn more? Contact us now

    Unicom devient Acceo transport
    Unicom devient Acceo transport